Family Services
Moving to a new country and culture with a family involves a great responsibility to ensure all family members thrive in their new environment. The happiness of the family is crucial for the overall success of the assignment. If the family does not settle in well, the assignment, as such, cannot be successful.
The r2n Family Support Services provides customised assistance in navigating local facilities and amenities.
Children in Norway typically start in kindergarten when they are one year old and before that they normally are with one of their parents on parental leave. The responsibility for kindergartens or pre-school day care centers is in each municipality. There are both private and public kindergartens available for children between the ages of one and five. Admissions usually take place once a year for the main intake in August. For the rest of the year there is ongoing admissions for available places.
R2n can assist in finding kindergartens in the new neighbourhood or close to work and arrange visit to these. We also assist in the following application process which can be challenging when not yet registered as a resident.
All children in Norway must attend school for ten years. The first ten years of the Norwegian school system is called ‘grunnskole’, which comprises primary and lower secondary education. Children start school in August of the year in which they turn six. Most schools are public schools that are free of charge and operated by the municipality.
In addition, there are private and international schools. Availability of these vary in each location/city.
Based on the preferences of the family and needs assessment r2n will support the family in finding the solution that best suits their needs. The service may include:
- Provide information and discuss school options; state/local schools, international or private.
- Organise and accompany the employee and/or family to appointments with the school per request.
- Assist with application process and admissions procedures.
Child benefit
Parents of children under the age of 18 may be entitled to child benefit in Norway. This applies to both EU and non-EU citizens. Child benefit is paid monthly with the purpose of partly covering the expenses of having a child. R2n can guide and assist in how to apply as well as inform about required documentation.